

What is the purpose of your project?

The purpose of my project is to host all the custom elements that 522AA has. This includes the servers, role structure information, bots used, code of conduct, room layouts, custom emojis, and more. It will also be useful to discuss possible improvements and changes to the server and to speed up its development (after all, that's the magic of open source 😊).

Why do you create this repo?

I created this repo because I wanted to share with the community my Discord server's resources. At first this repository was going to host the source code of an experimental bot called Barbero but I have decided to separate that code and host it in another repository. This repository will now host all the resources, branding, and structure of my 522AA server.

Developed by the rookie developer @IngrownMink4
source code available here (licensed under the GNU GPLv3)